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Watch basketball priest make “longest playground shot ever”

Priest makes trick basketball shot

St. John the Baptist Catholic Church | YouTube

John Touhey - published on 11/27/23

A serious fire closed St. John’s Church in Benoit, Kansas, two years ago. The pastor has come up with an innovative and fun way to help the parish recover.

Two years ago, St. John the Baptist Roman Catholic Church in Benoit, Kansas suffered a fire in one of the church towers. Though the church managed to reopen this past June, parishioners are still raising money to cover the repairs. Now they have a golden opportunity to reach their goal thanks to a matching grant.

Fr. Jarett Konrade, the church’s pastor, has found an innovative way to try and raise remaining funds his church needs – while continuing to build a strong bond with his youngest parishioners. In the video below, two St. John’s High School students claim that Fr. Jarett will attempt to make “the longest [basketball] shot ever by a priest on a playground.”

Now, to be honest, as far as the fact-checking team at Aleteia can determine, there exist no actual official records for clerical basketball shots. However, at 76.9 feet (and from a fire escape, no less), we must admit we are impressed with Fr. Jarrett’s athletic skill. We also find the feat theologically appropriate since the game of basketball is a Christian invention.

Just as impressive is the reaction of the St. John’s student body as they cheer their pastor on – and the enthusiastic celebration that ensues when he finally hits nothing but net.

Alas, an attempt yesterday to land a basket from the church tower proved somewhat less miraculous – though Fr. Jarrett did get pretty close!

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